Columba College DEIS Community Statement

Mission Statement:

Columba College, as a Post Primary School, aims to provide a learning environment which will allow all pupils to achieve their full potential and enable them to develop into caring and responsible adults/citizens capable of contributing to and fulfilling their roles in the Community/Society.

School Context:

Columba College is a small rural school with a student population of approximately 250 students. The school was awarded DEIS status in 2006. Columba College is a growing school and every three years the school engages in school self-evaluation to set targets to focus on school improvement within the eight areas of DEIS to ensure equality of opportunity for all students in our school.


1. Decrease the number of students with high levels of absenteeism.
2. Increase the number of students that have excellent attendance.
3. Improve attendance rates in Transition Year.
1. Columba College is continuing to work on decreasing levels of absenteeism.
2. The number of students with excellent attendance has increased.
3. Attendance rates have improved in TY.


1. Columba College aims to maintain its current retention rate at Junior Cycle.
2. Columba College wishes to slightly improve retention at Senior Cycle
3. Columba College wishes to promote and improve retention within the TY Programme
1. Columba College in the past year has maintained its current retention rate at Junior Cycle
2. We continue to focus on improving retention rate at Senior Cycle.
3. Columba College has reached its target regarding the promotion and retention of Junior Cycle students participating in TY.


1. Columba College aims to improve the number of student accessing higher level subjects at Junior Cycle.
2. Columba College aims to improve the number of students accessing higher level subjects at Senior Cycle
1. Columba College continues to implement actions to increase the number of students accessing higher level subjects at both Junior and Senior Cycle.


1. To gather data from first year students and incoming parents to ensure a smooth transition from Primary School to Secondary School.
2. To improve retention from Junior Cycle into Senior Cycle by promoting TY, LCVP and appropriate subject selection.
3. To continue to improve the number of student population continuing on to further education including apprenticeships and to improve the number of students continuing on to Level 6/7/8 courses.
1. Data has been gathered and the school are reviewing how to make the transition from Primary School to Secondary School easier for pupils
2. We are continuing to promote TY and aid with subject selection and LCVP
3. We continue to work with on students promoting further education, Level 6/7/8 and apprenticeship courses.


1. To improve attitudes towards self-directed reading.
2. To improve literacy levels to ensure all students have the ability to access higher level subjects.
3. To promote and improve oral presentation skills
1. We have introduced a number of initiatives to promote self-directed reading.
2. We have introduced whole school literacy strategies
3. We have implemented oral presentation skills in each subject when necessary.


1. To ensure early intervention for students struggling with numeracy issues.
2. To increase problem solving skills to improve participation in higher level maths
1. We continue to work upon this target.

Relationship with Parents:

1. To maintain good and effective communication between school and home.
2. To increase parental participation in parent teacher meetings.
3. To promote and increase engagement in parent’s classes.
1. We continue to maintain good and effective communication between school and home.
2. Parental engagement in parent teacher meeting has increased in the last three years.
3. Parental engagement in parent’s classes has improved.

Relationship with Others:

1. To increase and improve links within the local community.
2. To increase and improve links with various local businesses.
3. Foster links with further education institutes
1. We have increased engagements with the local community
2. We have fostered more links with local businesses.
3. We have established links to various further education institutes.