The Design and Communication Graphics course makes a unique contribution to the student’s cognitive and practical skills development. These skills include graphic communication, creative problem solving, spatial abilities/visualisation, design capabilities, computer graphics and CAD modelling. The creative and decision-making capabilities of students in the activities associated with design are developed through three principal areas of study: design and communication graphics, plane and descriptive geometries, and applied graphics. This programme is designed and structured to take cognisance of important developments in the modes of communicating design information. It is intended to develop the creative thinking and problem solving abilities of students.
The syllabus will be assessed in relation to the syllabus objectives and the specified student learning outcomes. All material specified within the areas of study is examinable. There are two assessment components:
The purpose of the assignment is to assess those elements of the course that cannot be readily assessed through the terminal examination, in particular elements of design and communication graphics and the utilisation of ICT in design. The assignment will relate to a theme identified by the examining authority. A different theme will apply at Higher and Ordinary levels. Students must then proceed to develop a design or project brief in accordance with specified parameters. The assignment will take approximately 40 hours to complete.